Monday, November 22, 2010

Too Late For a Halloween Post?

Sorry I'm so behind on posts, but I should probably tell you how Atticus fared for Halloween before Thanksgiving in a few days.

We went to Boo at the Zoo and he got mommy and daddy some candy (we did let him eat a little) to munch on and saw lots of people dressed up like fictional characters and lots of kids sporting some cool costumes too. He was Batman, or At-man , as we call him (compliments of Paw Paw and Grandmother).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bernheim Forest

This past weekend we went for a hike at Bernheim Forest in Shepherdsville, KY. The weather was absolutely beautiful. Here are some highlights:

feeding the fish with Daddy

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day Out With Thomas

We went to see Thomas the Tank Engine in Nashville, TN over Labor Day and had a blast. Atticus sported his Thomas shirt and shorts and got two rub on tattoos. Here's the trip in photos:

So many train sets!

Meeting Sir Topham Hat.

Going down a big slide with Daddy.

He loved it and wanted to go again.

Riding a small train. Precursor to the Thomas ride.


Pic with Thomas.

First train ride.

Story-time with Lady Hat.

Asleep within 5 minutes of sitting down.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Summer Fun, More Words, and Big News

Atticus has been enjoying swimming at a nearby indoor pool and also went to an outdoor fountain for the first time, which he was both intimidated and intrigued by. He's also trying out new words; which he does with gusto.
Though he has no clue when we talk about it, he's also going to become a big brother in January! We're very excited and are in full swing of name discussion.

Sporting his new hat.

Fun at the fountain at the park.

Buuu. Or blue, for all of you boring English speakers out there.

He's passionate about his plums (and he's a little bit of a ham).

Friday, July 23, 2010

Baby Signs

It's been a crazy long time since I've posted anything. So sorry! Atticus has been up to a lot of stuff these last two months: first time swimming, visiting Mammoth Cave and "talking" up a storm with his ever-increasing vocabulary of baby signs. Among his favorites: elephant, giraffe, banana, and his latest addition, hippo. Of course this can be a bit confusing for those not familiar with the signs, but his friends are catching on very quickly and having a blast "communicating" with him.

Reading books continues to be his favorite activity:

And bananas are still his favorite food (it took him a little while, but he's doing his version of the sign for banana in this video):

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Outside Fun, Boots, and Crayons

I love flowers!

I'm getting the hang of this walking thing; just don't let go!

Styling in my diaper and boots.

Coloring (a.k.a. trying not to eat the crayons)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Random Pics

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted any pictures. Here are a few to enjoy...

At likes to form letters in his sleep. I think he's going for an i or an l.

"Reading" in his rocking chair.

Fun at the zoo.

Riding the carousel at the zoo with Daddy (in the matching black shirts).